Master Plans and Policy Documents

Water Master Plan

The City’s municipal water system has over 135 miles of water mains, 12 water wells and reservoirs with over 14 million gallons of storage. Water quality and reliability is a top priority. The 2019 Water Master Plan (WMP) provides the City with a comprehensive analysis of the municipal water system, and an evaluation of the future system requirements through 2035. This WMP establishes priorities for funding infrastructure improvements based on the analysis, as well as a 5- Year Capital Improvement Plan.

Urban Water Management Plan

The City’s water district encompasses 90% of the City. As a water purveyor, the City is responsible for ensuring there is sufficient water supply for years to come. The City’s Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) is a long-term resource planning tool that assesses existing and future water demands and water sources, over a 20-year horizon, to ensure there are adequate water supplies within the district. The UWMP includes five major assessments which are Five Consecutive Dry-Year Water Reliability Assessment, Drought Risk Assessment, Seismic Risk, Water Shortage Contingency Plan, Groundwater Supplies Coordination and Lay Description.

American Disabilities Act Transition Plan

The City is committed to providing programs, services, and facilities accessible to all without discrimination, while at the same time complying to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other federal and state laws, codes and regulations. The City’s 2017 American Disabilities Act Transition Plan evaluates the City’s services, policies, practices, programs and activities, and provides recommendations to comply with ADA. It also identifies the physical barriers in public facilities that limit accessibility to programs or activities to individuals with disabilities.

Bicycle Transportation Plan

Enhancing the bike transportation network within the City is a part of the City’s vision. The 2012 Bicycle Transportation Plan is the guiding document for all bicycle infrastructure, policies, and programs in the City. It proposes an extensive network of streets designed to be safe and comfortable for bicyclists.

Green Street Policy

The City’s Water Management Plan requires over $61 million in improvements to meet storm water runoff quality requirements. The 2008 Green Street Policy supports that requirement. It is guiding document for the enhancements to street and road projects to improve the quality of storm water and urban runoff through the incorporation of a wide variety of design elements including but not limited to street trees, permeable pavements, bio retention, and swales. Its goals are to provide source control of storm water, limit its transport and pollutant conveyance to the collection system, restore predevelopment hydrology to the extent possible, and provide environmentally enhanced roads.

Pavement Management System

The City’s roadway network have over 125 miles of streets and eleven miles of alleyways. The 2017 Pavement Management System (PMS) has been developed to evaluate road pavements and identify needed improvements. The PMS provides information on pavement conditions cost-effective maintenance strategies to maintain a desirable level of pavement performance on a network scale, and a recommended 5-Year Capital Improvements Program.

Sewer Master Plan

The City owns and operates a sewer system that serves residential, commercial and industrial lands uses citywide. The Sewer Master Plan has been prepared to evaluate the sewer system for existing and future conditions. The purpose of this Master Plan is to identify deficiencies in the existing public sewer system, prioritize the deficient reaches, recommend alternatives to eliminate the deficiencies, and thereby provide the City with a basis for improvements in its sewer infrastructure management system.

Street Lighting Master Plan

The City’s street light system contains over 4,000 street lights and serves residential, commercial and industrial areas citywide. The Lighting Master Plan supports the City’s goals of providing the appropriate lighting to promote public safety and energy efficiency citywide. Furthermore, the Lighting Master Plan (LMP) helps to ensure that all public outdoor areas (street lights, public parking lots, and parks) of the City receive consistent treatment and give guidance to elected officials, residents, developers, and the Department of Public Works on installation and maintenance of the lighting systems.

Street Tree Master Plan

The 2007 Street Tree Master Plan was developed to guide the management of the City’s urban forest. With over 17,000 trees in inventory, this community based plan identifies how the urban forest could be changed over to a tree palette that meets the needs of the community. The plan proposes trees with community benefits such as reducing infrastructure damage, reducing hazards, maintaining existing arboricultural themes, increasing tree canopies and minimizing maintenance costs.

Sewer System Management Plan (“SSMP”) 

The City owns and operates a sanitary sewer system that consists of 119.5 miles of pipelines serving properties citywide. The sanitary sewer system is regulated by the state with a requirement for an SSMP. The primary purpose of the SSMP is to reduce sanitary sewage overflows (“SSOs”) by providing policies that improve the design, construction, management, operation, and maintenance of the City's sanitary sewer system. 

The Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance of the sewer system and the implementation of the SSMP requirements. As noted, the primary purpose of the SSMP is to prevent sewer overflows. The SSMP has been implemented acceptably since there have been no sewer overflows in the last three fiscal years.