Fair Housing

The City of South Gate is committed to furthering fair housing efforts by promoting fair and equal housing opportunities and continuing to address discrimination in our community. To further reflect its commitment to fair housing, the city funds the Fair Housing Foundation (FHF) to provide tenant and landlord outreach, education and training services. The FHF is a non-profit corporation that is dedicated to eliminating discrimination in housing and promoting equal access to housing choices for everyone. Through the city’s Community Development Block Grant Funds, FHF is provided a grant to provide services for the elimination of housing discrimination, general housing assistance, and education and outreach activities to South Gate residents free of cost.

Fair Housing Informational Brochures

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What is fair housing?

Fair housing can be defined as a condition in which individuals of similar income levels in the same housing market have a like range of housing choice available to them regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, national origin, age, gender, marital status, familial status, source of income, sexual orientation, or disability. Please call 562-989-1206 or toll free at 800-446-3247 for more information.

What is housing discrimination?

Housing discrimination is unjust or prejudicial treatment of individuals, in the area of housing and real estate, based on the individual's protected class. Please call 562-989-1206 or toll free at 800-446-3247 for more information.

What guarantees my right to fair housing?

The right to fair housing is assured by a variety of federal and state laws, primarily the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988, and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, which make it unlawful to discriminate in renting, selling, financing, and insuring housing. Please call 562-989-1206 or toll free at 800-446-3247 for more information.

What should I do if I have a complaint?

If you believe you have been denied housing or the opportunity to apply for housing in the city because of a protected characteristic, you may contact the Fair Housing Foundation at 800-446-3247 or visit us online for free counseling and assistance. Fair Housing Foundation Website