
South Gate Police

The South Gate Police Department is proudly dedicated to the highest level of police service, improving quality of life, and providing a safe community.

*** NEWS ALERT *** May 14, 2024

The South Gate Police Department and ABC Offer Free LEAD Training

The training educates alcoholic beverage industry members and employees about selling alcohol responsibly.

For more information, click here(PDF, 96KB).


Staff Directory

Police Department 

Name Title Email Phone
Arakawa, Darren Chief of Police Email 323-563-5408

Detective Bureau

Phone: 323-563-5418

Link: Detective Bureau Page

Name Title Email Phone
Camacho, Sergio Detective Lieutenant Email 323-563-9675
Rodriguez, Juan  Detective Sergeant Email 323-563-5454
Padilla, Brian Detective Email 323-563-5482
Meza-Medrano, Sara Detective Email 323-563-5464
Melendrez, Daniel Detective Email 323-563-5466
Morales, Isaac  Detective Email 323-563-5471
Sanchez, Donny Detective Email 323-357-9693
Dinh, Martin Technical Service Manager Email 323-563-5474
Rodriguez, Manuela Records Manager Email 323-563-5485
Cyr, Bill Crime Analyst Email 323-357-9628
Discovery, Requests Discovery Requests Email 323-563-9593
Maldonado, Laura Domestic Violence Program Manager Email 323-357-9667
Kendall, Martha Court Subpoena Coordinator Email 323-563-5475
Palos, Sean Crime Prevention Specialist Email 323-563-5465

Illegal Dumping

Phone: (323) 563- 9575

Link: Illegal Dumping Page

Narcotics Division

Phone: 888-746-2727

Link: Narcotics Division Page

Police Command Staff

Phone: 323-563-5436

Name Title Email Phone
Arakawa, Darren Chief of Police Email 323-563-5408
Perez, Edward Captain Email 323-563-5486
Arana, Manuel Captain Email 323-563-5453
Camacho, Sergio Lieutenant Email 323-563-9675
Corella,Carlos Lieutenant Email 323-357-9457
Amador, Roman Lieutenant Email 323-563-5457
Garcia, Evelyn Lieutenant Email 323-563-5457
Chavez, James Lieutenant Email 323-563-5457
Brown, Sam Lieutenant Email 323-563-5457

Police Supervision

Phone: 323-563-5436

Link: Police Department Page

Name Title Email Phone
Rodriguez, Juan Detective Sergeant Email 323-563-5436
Ververa, Ismael Crime Impact Team Sergeant Email 323-563-5436
Munoz, Armando Sergeant Email 323-563-5436
Dahlia, Chris Sergeant Email 323-563-5436
Scott,Guerrero Sergeant Email 323-563-5436
Sanchez, David  Sergeant Email 323-563-5436
Gonzalez, Juan C. Narcotics Division Sergeant Email 323-563-5436
 Prado, Gerado  Sergeant  Email  323-563-5436

Property & Evidence

Phone: 323-563-5490

Link: Property & Evidence Page

Name Title Email Phone
Hernandez, Alexis Police Property Manager Email 323-563-5490

Recruiting / Background Division

Phone: 323-563-5480

Link: Recruiting / Background Division Page

Name Title Email Phone
Bolar, Ed Administrative Sergeant Email 323-563-5476
Urtez, Yolanda Administrative Analyst Email 323-563-5480

Traffic Division

Phone: 323-563-5493

Link: Traffic Division Page

Name Title Email Phone
Thorenson, Steve Traffic Sergeant Email 323-357-9618