Step 1: Pre-Application Review
A preliminary meeting with Planning Staff is recommended, though not required. The meeting will give you and Staff a chance to review your project and the applicable Zoning standards. It also helps to determine what permits are required and calculate the fees.
Step 2: Application Submittal
Prepare and submit ALL required application(PDF, 276KB) materials(PDF, 178KB) to the Planning Division along with the required fees. You will receive a case number for your project and a receipt for your fee payment. Five (5) sets of plans are required for the initial review. Remember that all required forms must be completed and filled out legibly. It should be noted that for larger projects, additional or supplemental fees may be required to cover an expanded environmental review process and other supplemental services and/or analysis.
Step 3: Staff Review of Application for Completeness
Applications will be reviewed within thirty (30) days. Staff will examine the application materials, in reviewing your plans, justification statement and other information. Staff will make one or more site visits, and may contact surrounding property owners. Owner’s affidavit must be signed by owner or agent assigned responsibility by owner. Staff will notify you in writing that the application is accepted as complete or that it is not complete and additional material and/or information is required. When the packet is complete and a hearing date is set, additional plans including an electronic PDF will be required. After acceptance of the completed application(s), a public hearing with the Planning Commission will be scheduled for the earliest possible meeting. The Planning Commission meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. Staff will advise you of the hearing date.
Step 4: Staff Review for Environmental Determination
Some zoning and subdivision applications require environmental review. Environmental review shall be completed in compliance with state law before final action is taken on the project. Staff will examine the application materials, in reviewing your plans, justification statement and other information. After the Planning Division has evaluated this information, a determination will be made regarding the appropriate environmental documentation for the project. Staff will notify the applicant if additional information or fees are required.
Step 5: Decision on Request
Most decisions on your request will be made by the Planning Commission. The decision could be approval, approval with conditions, continuation for redesign, or denial. General Plan amendments, zone changes, ordinance amendments, and many major development projects are recommended by the Planning Commission required City Council hearing and approval.
In the event that the applicant or an interested party is dissatisfied with a Planning Commission decision, an appeal may be made to the City Council within ten (10) calendar days of the date of notice of decision by staff or adoption of the Planning Commission resolution. Appeals will be heard at a duly notice public hearing.