Designated Bikeways


The City has a number of bikeways in the City. Please see list of existing bikeways(PDF, 2MB)  below:

Street From To
Alexander Ave Southern Ave South City Limits
Gardendale St Garfield Blvd Paramount Blvd
Garfield Ave  Howery Ave Century Blvd
LA River  North City Limits South City Limits
Rio Hondo Channel North City Limits  South City Limits 
Southern Ave Santa Fe Ave LA River


The 2012 Bicycle Transportation Plan is the guiding document for all bicycle infrastructure, policies, and programs in the City. The Bicycle Transportation Plan proposes an extensive network of streets designed to be safe and comfortable for bicyclists. For more information regarding long term planning, please click on the link(PDF, 10MB).

The City is working towards enhancing the bike transportation network.  Bike facilities and access are incorporated in capital improvement projects such as the Garfield Ave Complete Street Project, Long Beach Complete Street Project, and Tweedy Blvd Complete Street Project.