Building Permits & Inspections

Online Permit Counter

City of South Gate allows homeowners, contractors and the general public to conduct business in the City of South Gate to view and track details of various permits and cases online with a free user account.

The Online Permit Counter provides the following services:

  • Check Permit and Plan Check status
  • View Today's Inspection Schedule 
  • Check Inspection Results
  • Review Project related financial data

Visit the online permit counter at

Click on Inspection Report (lower right side) to view today's inspection schedule


Building and construction permits are typically required for any home improvement, repair, alteration, construction, or demolition project, including pool or spa installations, sandblasting, most excavations and erection of temporary structures such as temporary power poles. Permits are also required for re-roofing projects and improvements to plumbing, mechanical and electrical systems.

The city is currently enforcing the following building, fire, safety and related codes:

  • 2019 California Administrative Code
  • 2019 California Building Code (Volume I and II)
  • 2019 California Residential Code
  • 2019 California Plumbing Code
  • 2019 California Electrical Code
  • 2019 California Mechanical Code
  • 2019 California Energy Code
  • 2019 California Green Building Standards Code
  • 2019 California Existing Building Code
  • 2019 California Historical Code
  • 2019 California Referenced Standards Code
  • South Gate Municipal Code, Title 9


New construction, alterations, remodels are inspected to ensure that it meets compliance with the current California building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, energy, and green building standards codes.

To contact the Building and Safety Division regarding scheduling inspections or permits please call 323-563-9549