Homeless Prevention Program

The City of South Gate plans, coordinates and organizes strategies to assist the city's homeless population in collaboration with other public and private organizations. The County of Los Angeles through Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) has the primary responsibility for providing regional homeless services.

Individuals and families who do not qualify as South Gate residents are referred to People Assisting the Homeless (PATH) for screening. To apply for assistance, please call HYC at 213-226-0969 to schedule an appointment.

South Gate's Homeless Outreach Program

The South Gate Police Department, in cooperation with The Salvation Army Bell Shelter, operates a homeless outreach program which consists of a mobile outreach team. A Police Department Liaison and personnel from the Bell Shelter coordinate street outreach efforts by vehicle and by foot.

Street outreach, case management, and referrals are provided to homeless families and individuals through this program. Homeless clients are provided guidance in the identification of barriers to overcoming homelessness and the development of a plan to address these challenges. The team then assists clients at a highly supportive level to address those needs which may include accessing mainstream services, increasing income, developing self-determination, and accessing shelter and housing.

For further details, please contact Housing Manage Carol Averell at 323-563-9535 or via email.


Winter Shelter Program

Winter Shelters are located all across the County and will be operating 24 hours a day this year due to COVID‑19. For more information, please see our English and Spanish Winter Shelter Flyers. For any inquiries, please email wintershelter@lahsa.org

winter-shelter-list-english.pdf(PDF, 311KB)

winter-shelter-list-spanish.pdf(PDF, 290KB)